Programme of the Scientific Session
¡§Healthcare System Sustainability¡¨

Hyatt Hotel Taipei
Taipei, Taiwan
Thursday, 20 October 2016

08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks
Prof. Sir Michael Marmot, President of World Medical Association
Prof. Dr. Ken N. Kuo, Chairman of Scientific Committee
09:10-09:40 1. Keynote Speech: The Roadmap for Better Healthcare in Taiwan
Speaker: Dr. Tzou-Yien Lin, Minister of Health and Welfare, TAIWAN

Session I: Health System Performance
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ken N. Kuo

09:40-10:05 2. Topic: Health System Sustainability with Regard to Global Migration and Refugees: The Case of Germany
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Frank Ulrich Montgomery, President of German Medical Association, Vice-Chairman of WMA
10:05-10:30 3. Topic: The Sustainability of Health Care in Aging Society, A Global View
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kenji Shibuya, Chair of Department of Global Health Policy, Graduates School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, JAPAN
10:30-10:50 Coffee/Tea break
10:50-11:15 4. Topic: The Role of Gatekeeper in Sustaining the Health Care
Speaker: Dr. Andrew Dearden, Treasurer and Chief Officer of British Medical Association
11:15-11:40 5. Topic: Health Care Reform in U.S.
Speaker: Dr. Steven J. Stack, Immediate-past President of American Medical Association
11:40-12:05 6. Topic: Personal and Private Big Data: Genomes and Health Records
Speaker: Dr. Ju Han Kim, Professor and Founding Chair, Div. of BiomedicalInformatics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, KOREA
12:05-12:30 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Prof. Ken N. Kuo
Panelists: Prof. Dr. Frank Ulrich Montgomery, Prof. Dr. Kenji Shibuya, Dr. Andrew Dearden, Dr. Steven J. Stack, Dr. Ju Han Kim
12:30-14:00 Lunch break

Session¢º: eHealth
Moderator: Dr. Min-Huei (Marc) Hsu, Director, Office of International Cooperation, Ministry of Health and Welfare, TAIWAN

14:00-14:30 7. Keynote Speech: Using Artificial Intelligence to Conquer Medical Errors
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li, Dean, College of Medical Science and Technology, Taipei Medical University, TAIWAN
14:30-14:55 8. Topic: Big Data Approach in Health Care Assessment
Speaker: Dr. Chun-Ying Wu, Professor of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, TAIWAN
14:55-15:20 9. Topic: Health IT: The Essential Infrastructure for Universal Coverage
Speaker: Dr. Florentino Cardoso, President of Brazilian Medical Association
15:20-15:45 10. Topic: Transforming Healthcare with Information Technology
Speaker: Dr. Robert Wah, Faculty of OB/GYN-Reproductive Endocrinology, National Institutes of Health and Walter Reed Military Medical Center at Bethesda Maryland, USA
15:45-16:05 Coffee/Tea break
16:05-16:30 11. Topic: eHealth and Electronic Medical Records ¡V Problems and Pitfalls
Speaker: Dr. Mark Sonderup, Vice-Chairman of South African Medical Association
16:30-16:55 12. Topic: eHealth Supporting Citizens and Healthcare Services
Speaker: Dr. Andreas Rudkjøbing, President of Danish Medical Association
16:55-17:20 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Dr. Min-Huei (Marc) Hsu
Panelists: Prof. Dr. Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li, Dr. Chun-Ying Wu, Dr. Florentino Cardoso, Dr. Robert Wah, Dr. Mark Sonderup, Dr. Andreas Rudkjøbing,
17:20 Closing
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